Those who work in offices, stores or any other environment that requires constant handling of sheets of paper, one time or another, cutting his finger with them. And as much as the wound is small and harmless, it wont burn enough and causing some discomfort.
According to the Mental Floss site, part of the reason for so much pain is in fact our hands have many nociceptors, sensory instruments that pass information about temperature, pain and pressure to our brain, more precisely, to the somatosensory cortex. If this small cut had occurred in an area with less nerves, such as the leg, the burning sensation would be much smaller.
It's easy to see why our hand has many nerve endings. In an interview with ABC News, the head of Dermatology of Drexel University College of Medicine, Dr. Mark Abdelmalek Stadium, explains that this is a function of survival, a mechanism that the body uses as a way to protect ourselves.
When we played at something very hot or sharp, are great chances that we do with our hands. Therefore, this part of our body is sensitive to alert us to point about these threats. "If you cut the thigh with paper, doerá not so much because she doesn't deserve so much attention of the somatosensory cortex", explains Dr. Abdelmalek Stadium.
In addition, there is the fact that hands are much used by us and, therefore, the skin begins to grow on the wound just moving too much, which prolongs the healing process and, consequently, of the pain experienced.
Even so, it remains a mystery: normally, knife cuts does not hurt as much as those made with sheets of paper, although they may cause damage much greater. Some say that the role, because it is porous, it houses more bacteria than knives or stilettos and that this would make the wound hurt more.
However, bacteria do not cause pain. What can happen is the fact that they cause an inflammation, since our body is trying to fight these microinvasores. However, there is no scientific evidence proving the idea that bond pages, for example, have more bacteria than kitchen knives.
Even so, the role is part of the problem. The flexible edges and sharp barely make sheet of paper cutting is more superficial. And, although apparently subsurface cuts appear to be less painful, experts say that in the case of paper, this type of injury is worse.
What worsens the situation is the fact that the edges sharp little paper not cut the flesh of the finger, but end up ripping it, causing microscopic damage is greater. In addition, this inconspicuous lesion to human eyes reaches more nerves, which send more pain signals to the brain.
please simplify this text 'cause i don't understend some parts of the text. Thanks !